About WRI

Message from the Founder
Thank you for visiting Women's Resources, Inc. I am both excited and honored to be a part of your journey to success! Like many of you, I too had dreams, goals, and plans to be successful. Initially, I wasn't sure how to achieve my goals or where to go for help.
The resources and information that were available to me at the time, were either insufficient or I did not "qualify". There were many avenues to explore for education, training, and entrepreneurship. After completing a few educational and training programs, I obtained certifications and a degree.
However, I was still unfulfilled and uncertain of what was best for me. Through surrendering to a committed relationship with God and myself, I gained maturity, growth and development. This newfound knowledge and self-awareness helped me determine what my true gifts, talents, and passions are.
The clarity and understanding of who I was created to be, manifested exactly what I wanted to do in life. That is what Women's Resources is all about! Bringing it all together in one place for you!
We aim to help you identify your true passion and provide you with quality resources and services that will assist you on your journey to success so that you can fulfill your divine purpose and destiny!